Definition of Pathophysiology (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Pathophysiology is a branch of medicine that is concerned with studying the phenomena that cause abnormal changes in the body during diseases, in order to identify the origins and stages of formation of pathologies.

In short, the pathophysiology of a given disease consists of how the body functions and reacts when affected by this disease. pathology, as well as analyzing the evolution of the organism's functions during the disease.

Pathophysiology (which can also be described as pathological physiology) is a very important field in medicine, as it is thanks to this branch of study that doctors are able to understand the origin of a certain disease, how it affects the human body and, mainly, what is the most effective way to treat it or to treat it. prevent.

Learn more about meaning of pathology.

Before determining pathophysiology studies it is necessary to obtain knowledge of biology, histology, anatomy and physiology. First it is necessary to know about the normal functioning of the organism and then to know its "non-functioning" or "abnormal functioning".

See also:meaning of physiology.

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