Meaning of Person (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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People is a word with Latin origin persona and that indicates a to be or human creature, a men or women, while being moral.

A person is a conscious being, with his own will and, therefore, assuming that he has full mental capacity, he is responsible for his actions. Some synonyms for the word person are: character, individuality, citizen, personality, individual or being.

In grammar, the person is the grammatical category of the verb and the pronoun that indicates the relationship of the speakers according to the speech. In Portuguese, it is expressed either through the various forms of personal pronouns, or through the variation of verb forms. A distinction is made between the 1st and 2nd people (the speaking or sending subject and the listening or receiving subject, respectively) and the 3rd person (the one being talked about, or everything that is not me-you).

In the mystery of the Holy Trinity there are three divine persons in the same nature. The term "person", used probably for the first time by Tertullian, originated in the struggle against Sabellianism. Greek theology prefers the term "hypostasis", Latin the term "person". God is the first person of the Trinity, Jesus is the second, and the Holy Spirit is the third. The 3 divine persons are equal, inseparable in being, co-eternal and consubstantial.

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When the word person is used with a capital letter (proper noun), it is likely to be a reference to the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa. Ex: I am a great admirer of Pessoa's work.

Legal person

Under the law, a legal person is an entity that can have rights and duties and that has a legal personality. There are legal entities governed by public law (different States) and legal entities governed by private law (foundations and religious organizations). The Brazilian Civil Code presents a large part of the legal bases relating to legal entities.

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