Definition of Forehead (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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iron forehead is the name given to the individual who appears as responsible for a particular business or firm, while the true leader remains anonymous, controlling the company. The iron forehead is one that is a kind of facade, takes the lead, but does not have the power.

One of the first times that the name figurehead appeared was to designate men placed in the bows, with the objective of breaking into and overthrowing the enemy ships. He was called a figurehead for literally hitting the ship, and at the same time for being the first to appear but not the leader.

A figurehead is someone who presents himself on behalf of another organization, but it can also be on behalf of someone else. This individual assumes visibility and responsibility in someone else's place. The figurehead demonstrates to other people that a certain company, idea or good is yours, and if it isn't, it just represents. The figurehead can also act to protect an individual who is not in a very favorable economic situation. The figurehead is often used when trading goods to protect the identity of the true buyer.

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In English, the expression forehead iron is often translated as figurehead or straw man, as these two words also describe someone who appears to assume a leadership role, but who in reality lacks authority and responsibility.

Iron and orange forehead

On many occasions, forehead iron and orange are popularly used as synonyms. Despite having several similarities, the term orange is distinct because it reveals a naive person who offers to represent another in an illegal activity. Normally, an "orange" is compensated for the task, but if the scheme does not go as planned, it is discarded and takes on the consequences of the wrongful acts.
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