Meaning of Frequency (What it is, Concept and Definition)

frequency is the act of attending or repeating, that is, going to a certain place assiduously, at constant intervals of time.

Attendance can be considered one of the essential conditions for development or strengthening of social relationships, as it enables the habitual coexistence between people of a given group.

The definition of frequency can also be related to a physical quantity, corresponding to the number of occurrences of an event in a predefined time span (seconds, minutes, hours and etc).

An example of the use of frequency in physics is the study of waves, that is, the amount of oscillations that it performs in a given time is its frequency, measured by hertz (Hz).

heart rate

This is the expression used in medicine to refer to the number of times the heart beats per minute.

The heart rate considered normal for an adult oscillates between 60 and 100 beats per minute. However, several external and internal factors can change this frequency, such as physical activity, emotion, anxiety, old age or the presence of heart disease.

school attendance

School attendance is a way to measure frequency with which students from a given educational institution are attending classes.

In almost all schools, school attendance is part of the basic requirements for a student's final approval for the school year.

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