Meaning of Paid Activity (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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paid activity or economic activity is any type of work where you receive in exchange a monetary reward. The word "remuneration" comes from the Latin "remuneration" and means payment, reward, gratification.

It is nothing more than exercising a profession or temporary activity and receiving a payment for the work performed, regardless of whether it is a formal job or not.

In some countries, immigrants who do not have a specific work visa cannot engage in paid activities.

People who carry out a paid activity are part of the economically active population, that is, those who make the money move around the country.

Unpaid Activity

Unpaid activity implies voluntary work where you are not expected to receive payment in return. There are many people who do community work but do not receive any remuneration for this activity.

An example of an unpaid activity is professional internships carried out for the purpose of experience, without a financial reward.

Remunerated Activity at CNH

In Brazil, new procedures were introduced for professional drivers who intend to renew their CNH (National Driver's License).

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All drivers who carry out paid activities of transporting passengers or cargo (taxi driver, bus driver, truck driver, etc.), they must take specialized courses and their driver's license will contain information that they are able to exercise paid transport.

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