Meaning of Pimp (What it is, Concept and Definition)

pimp is who manages a prostitution system, profiting from the control of sexual services offered by prostitutes or gigolos.

Pimps survive and support themselves on cash commissions that are received from the prostitutes who work under their domain.

Also known as pimp, the pimp is usually responsible for ensuring the “safety” of the prostitutes who work the streets or brothels.

The pimp's job is still to ensure the distribution of clients among the prostitutes and gigolos who are part of his “network”. As a rule, the relationship the pimp maintains with the harlots is abusive and based on aggression, whether physical or psychological.

The pimp practices what is called pimping or pimping, for this reason he is also known as a pimp. According to articles 227 to 230 of the Brazilian Penal Code, the pimping it's a crime and the person found guilty can be sentenced to three to eight years in prison in a closed regime.

Learn more about meaning of pimping.

The female pimp is cafetina, referring to the woman who runs a brothel or prostitution house.

See also: O meaning of gigolo.

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