Necropsy it is a series of procedures and observations, organized and hierarchical, carried out on the corpse in order to determine what caused its death.
The origin of the word "necropsy" comes from the greek terms nekros = corpse and opsis = view.
Clinical Necropsy
Clinical necropsy is performed by a pathologist doctor and aims to clarify the pathophysiology and pathogenesis of the disease.
Forensic Necropsy
Forensic necropsy is performed by a LEGIST doctor and aims to clarify the mechanisms, effects and causes that led the individual to death.
The changes that appear in the animal's body after its death are called cadaveric changes. Are they: algormortis, rigor mortis, livor mortis, eye changes, blood clotting, autolysis and putrefaction.
These processes are divided into the following phases:
- Cadaveric rigidity;
- Cadaveric stains;
- Gaseous;
- Colliquation;
- Skeletonization.
Necropsy x Autopsy
Autopsy and necropsy have been used synonymously. The word "autopsy" means "see for yourself" and originates from the Greek terms records = of himself and opsis = view.