implied is an adjective that means something that is tacit, what if you see, despite not be expressed or utterance. something that is in the mind, but it was not explicitly expressed.
Subunderstanding is knowing, predicting, or understanding through the aid of intelligence what is not expressed or clarified. É suppose, admit or to understand mentally through an interpretation. One thing implied is implicitly understood.
The doubt regarding the spelling of the word is quite common, as many people spell the word incorrectly. The correct form is implied and not implied, ie without the hyphen.
In English, the implied word is translated by the words implied, implied or tacit. Ex: I told him it was raining. It was implied that he should bring an umbrella. - I told him it was raining. It was understood that he should bring an umbrella.
An individual who speaks in an implicit way is someone who makes insinuations that are disguised in his speech.
Assumption and Understanding
A statement may contain presupposed and implied information. The presupposed information is clear, indisputable, and the reader/listener does not have to infer or deduce what information the author intends to convey. On the other hand, the implied information will depend on the context or interpretation capacity of the reader or listener.
A person does not hear or read exactly what was said or written by the author or interlocutor, because each person supplements the information with their own interpretations (which vary according to their context).
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