Meaning of Flexibility (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Flexibility is the characteristic of what is flexible, that is, what can bend easily; malleable.

It can also mean something that moves with ease and agility, or that is easy to handle.

In the figurative sense of the word, an individual's flexibility is the quality of understanding, accepting or taking on other people's opinions, ideas or thoughts. Flexible people are usually considered docile and diplomatic.

The ability of an individual to be able to perform several activities or occupations at the same time can be considered a type of flexibility.

The flexibility of the human body is related to the human anatomy, with the possibilities of joint movement. Exercises for the flexibility of the body, allow a greater range of bodily movement.

Synonyms of flexibility

  • agility
  • docility
  • elasticity
  • malleability

Flexibility at work

Flexibility at work is a concept that has gained traction in the 21st century, using the services provided by new technologies to change a company's traditional organizational system.

With the Internet and the new communication and information technologies, the physical presence of the professional in the work environment is no longer an essential factor. Many companies hire employees with "flexible hours", where they are free to choose the best time of day to fulfill their obligations within the company they work for.

Flexibility at work involves other aspects, such as the way of dressing and the leisure environments available at the company.

Companies that adopt the concept of flexibility at work believe that by offering more flexible conditions to their professionals, they will have a more satisfactory performance in their positions.

cognitive flexibility

Cognitive flexibility is the ability to be able to interpret certain situations or information from various points of view and perspectives.

Typically, the individual tends to interpret something based on personal experiences or pre-established beliefs. Cognitive flexibility is an exercise to be able to find alternative responses to the same situation.

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