Meaning of Agronomy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Agronomy is a agrarian science which appropriates several areas of knowledge (exact, natural, social and economic sciences) with the purpose of work in agriculture and agribusiness.

Professionals who are trained in agronomy are known as agronomists, as in addition to preparing themselves in the fields of natural sciences, such as botany and zootechnics, they should also possess a body of knowledge in other areas, such as engineering, economics, administration and etc.

Among the various objectives of agronomy, its main function is ensure or increase the quality and efficiency of agricultural and livestock production processes.

Learn more about Agriculture.

For this, the agronomist can act in all sectors of the agricultural production chain, that is, from the preparation, maintenance, harvesting (in the case of agriculture), storage and distribution of foods.

Agronomy also encompasses the agricultural economic sector. The agronomist who is dedicated to agribusiness studies the financial and administrative aspects of this sector, a fundamental function for the growth of the national economy.

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See also: the meaning of Agriculture.

Currently, technology is one of the main allies of agronomy. Thanks to biotechnology and data processing and storage, for example, the work carried out by agronomists has become much more precise, faster and more extensive.

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