Offer is the act of offering, donate something; an offering; the action of offering something for a certain price, at a discount.
The offer is related to the availability of something or something, when there are vacancies or products to be offered, offered. Example: the job offers.
Within the context of marketing, a offer it is the condition of commercialization that a seller can make about a product or service ("consumer goods"). Hypothetically, the offer has a value inversely proportional to the purchase value, that is, the greater the offer, the lower the value of the product.
Another factor influencing supply is the quantity of products and their demand (demand), the greater the amount of stock (available products), the greater your offer.
In commerce, there are events of "unique offer", that is, they happen only once, as in the case of sexta-feira Negra, which promotes discounts and special purchase conditions for consumers on a certain day of the year.
In the religious sphere, an offering is every type of offering made to the deities. In the Catholic religion, for example, some Christians usually offer 10% of their assets for church maintenance. This offering model is called "tithe".
See also the meanings of Demand and Inflation.