Meaning of Maintenance (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Maintenance is the action of keep, to sustain, to repair or keep something or something.

Maintenance is formed by a set of actions that help in the good and correct functioning of something, such as the maintenance of aircraft machinery.

The term maintenance can also be related to periodic conservation, that is, to the care and repairs that are made between certain periods of time in order to preserve, such as the maintenance of a heritage historic.

Maintenance is intended to repair or replace something that is broken or does not work correctly, fixing it so that it develops the function initially required.

Maintenance synonyms

  • conservation
  • preservation
  • subsistence
  • support
  • repair

Preventive maintenance

Preventive maintenance is carried out not when the machine or equipment is defective, but to prevent the appearance of damage. This maintenance model serves as a precaution, so that there are no unpleasant surprises or accidents that could put human lives at risk, for example.

predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance consists of a set of control actions for a given equipment, ensuring the reduction of failures in the operation and performance of machines or systems operational.

Predictive maintenance is able to predict likely errors that require services. corrective maintenance.

Corrective maintenance

Corrective maintenance consists of repairing the machine or equipment, replacing the damaged part with another that makes the system work correctly again, correcting the problem.

See also the meaning of Labor.

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