Meaning of Truthfulness (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Veracity is proof of what is true. The meaning of veracity is closely linked to everything about the truth Or the ability of someone to always say what is trustworthy. Therefore, it is the opposite of lying or falsehood.

Veracity is a feminine noun that names what is in accordance with what is veridical. It is the quality of truthfulness, an adjective that qualifies situations in which there is a faithful representation of the truth.

Veracity, specifies a real, truthful fact. It is an event that does not raise doubts or contradictions that compromise its authenticity.

Proving the veracity expresses the need to evaluate the facts, prove the truth, the absence of contradictions and the elimination of doubts. Likewise, in a situation of denunciation of acts that may incriminate an individual, it is essential to investigate the veracity of the facts.

The "Principle of Veracity of Advertising" is highlighted in Law No. 8078 of September 11, 1990, in the Consumer Defense Code, in its Article 37 - All misleading advertising or abusive. In its 38th article - The burden of proving the veracity and correctness of the information or advertising communication is on the sponsor.

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