Meaning of Serendipity (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Serendipity is an English word that means a happy random discovery, or lucky enough to find something precious where we weren't looking.

The term serendipity was coined in the 16th century by the English writer Horace Walpole. The word would have been taken from a tale called "The Three Princes of Serendip", characters who always made accidental discoveries using their wit. Serendip would be the Arabic name for the region that is currently Sri Lanka.

Added suffix age, the English word becomes an abstract noun. Like responsibility (responsibility) that comes from responsible (responsible).

Therefore, serendipity would be the property of those who act like the princes of Serendip, that is, of those who shrewdly find creative and unexpected solutions to problems.

Serendipity is when suddenly, and unintentionally, someone discovers something that changes their life, the solution to their problems, the answer to their questions. It is similar to the eureka claimed by scientists.

Learn more about the term eureka.

Serendipity is the creative way of dealing with a situation, finding an unexpected result for a given case. It has to do with identifying opportunities in problems or inhospitable situations.

The recommended translation of serendipity to Portuguese is serendipity. But the word is an Anglicism, that is, a borrowed usage from the English language into Portuguese, and does not have an exact correspondence in meaning. In some Portuguese language dictionaries it is defined as "the gift of attracting luck". But in the original, its meaning is more complex, as described above.

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