Meaning of Mother Joan's House (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Joana's mother's house is a popular expression that means "the place where everyone rules", without organization, where everyone does what they want.

For example: "Get your shoes off my couch! What is thinking? That this is Mother Joan's house?"

expression source

The expression "Joana's mother's house" originated in the 14th century, according to Câmara Cascudo (historian, anthropologist, lawyer and journalist) was created thanks to Joan I, Queen of Nápolis and Countess of Provence, who lived between 1326 and 1382. She had a troubled life and in 1346 she moved to Avignon, France. Some authors claim that this change occurred because Joan became involved in a conspiracy in Naples that resulted in her death of her husband Andrew, while others indicate that Joan was exiled by the Church for living in an unruly and permissive.

In 1347, when she was 21, Joana normalized the brothels in the city where she lived as a refugee, created certain rules to prevent some regulars from attacking prostitutes and leaving without paying. For the harlots, Joan was like a mother and that is why brothels were known as "Mother Joan's house". In Portugal, the expression paço-da-mother-Joana was synonymous with a brothel. The expression arrived in Brazil and as "paço" is not a common word, it was changed to "casa", and the expression "casa de mother Joan" came to mean the place where each person does what they want, without respecting any kind of rules.

Casa da Mãe Joana taproom

Casa da Mãe Joana is a taproom located in Brasília, and it is also a house of various musical shows. In this location it is also possible to schedule events such as birthdays.

Mother Joan's House - movie

Casa da Mãe Joana is a Brazilian comedy film, released in 2008, and directed by Hugo Carvana. This film features actors and actresses such as José Wilker, Pedro Cardoso, Paulo Betti, Malu Mader, Cláudio Marzo, Laura Cardoso, Juliana Paes, Fernanda de Freitas, among others.
This film tells the story of three friends who share a middle-class apartment and maintain an excessively cheerful lifestyle. In order not to lose the mortgaged apartment, they think about going back to work, until the idea of ​​practicing a scam comes up.

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