Meaning of Slanderer (What it is, Concept and Definition)

slanderer is the slanderer, that is, that tells lies with the aim of defaming another person, for example. A slanderer is not to be trusted and, under the law, can be convicted of a crime against honor.

In the legal sphere, the slanderer may be sentenced to a penalty of 6 (six) months to 2 (two) years of imprisonment, plus payment of a fine, if the practice of slander is proven, as specified in the article 138 of the Brazilian Penal Code.

As well as libel, other dishonorable acts that are punishable under Brazilian law are: defamation, injury and moral damages.

Learn more about the meaning of moral damages.

Among some of the main synonyms for slanderer stands out: detractor, slanderer, insulter, liar, and slanderer. On the other hand, the main slanderer antonym he is respectful, an individual who honors and respects the image and dignity of others, whether or not they are friends or acquaintances.

Etymologically, the word "slanderer" originated from the Latin calumniator, which means "imposer", which in turn came from the term bald, which can be translated as “cheat”.

See too: Slander.

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