in vitro is a Latin expression that means "in glass" in the Portuguese language.
This expression is commonly used in the field of medicine, to categorize the phenomena that are observed outside the organism of a living being.
As a rule, the analyzes and observations of these phenomena take place in so-called test tubes, where the Scientists, doctors and researchers are able to study materials development processes Organic.
Fertilization in vitro
The definition of technique in vitro gained popularity from fertilizations in vitro, also known as "assisted reproductions" or "inseminations in vitro”.
This technique consists of fertilizing an egg with a sperm in the laboratory.
After fertilization, the zygote that starts to develop is placed in the mother's uterus so that it can continue its healthy growth.
Find out more about the meaning of zygote.
In Brazil, this type of technique is also called "drink of beaker".
the fertilization in vitro It is very useful when couples want to have a child, but due to problems or restrictions in their bodies, they are unable to bring about fertilization through intercourse.
As an alternative, same-sex couples who wish to have children can also use the fertilization technique in vitro.
in vitro and in vivo
Unlike the definition of in vitro, which refers to what is done outside a living organism, the Latin expression in vivo – which means “inside the living”, in Portuguese – consists of the processes carried out within a living being.
In the field of science, experiments in vivo are all those made within a living, functioning organism.
See also the meaning of fertilization.