Meaning of Witch (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Witch is the name given to a woman supposed to have pact or demonic powers, one witch what practice black magic, a witchcraft.

The word witch can also be used as a figure of speech, referring to an ugly old woman.

In classical literature, which in turn was also represented in theater and cinema, the figure of the witch was registered as being a horrifying being, with dirty and dark clothes, looking like an old woman, with big noses and a high-pitched laugh terrifying. Stereotypical characteristics of an ugly and scary person.

Witches are also known to be extremely evil women, with cannibalistic habits and without scruples or morals. Black magic appears to be the main activity of witches, who use it to defeat their enemies or simply to torture people.

However, at the same time, some authors use this same term to designate wise, protective women who know and use the powers of nature for beneficial purposes.

In the Middle Ages, women considered witches were persecuted by the Catholic Church, accused of heresy and sentenced to death at the stake.

Currently, with religious syncretism and the growth of pagan concepts accepted by societies, the witch figure is much lighter. The existence of witches is even portrayed in children's stories and cartoons, such as the head of the "Sítio do Pica Pau Amarelo" and the Witch of the "Sleeping Beauty", which by the way, have the classic characteristics of a witch (ugly, old and evil).

In the movies, famous cases of witches also appear, such as the "Wicked Witch of the West" (The Wizard of Oz) and the "blair witch"(Blair Witch).

O Halloween or halloween is celebrated in several western countries annually on October 31st. The date was created in Ireland and the tradition grew and spread around the world through the United States.

On this date, children usually go out on the streets, knocking from door to door, and asking: "Trick or treat?". If the kids don't get candy, they're allowed to prank or prank the person's house, as if they were a "little devil."

In English, the word witch can be translated to witch.

witch of love

Love witches, also known as love witches, are women who practice the so-called "magic white", using the knowledge and forces of nature to protect themselves from negative energies and magic black.

Metaphorically, the witches of love represent women who believe in the positive forces of the human being and the feeling of love, as energy to fight evil or adversity in life.

"Witch 71"

Bruxa do 71 is the nickname given to a character from the Mexican series "A Turma do Chaves", named Dona Clotilde.

Dona Clotilde lives in house number 71, that's why Chaves and her friends call her the Witch of 71.

The character of the Bruxa do 71 was played by María de los Ángeles Fernández Abad, a Spanish actress who died in 1994.

See too:

  • halloween

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