Meaning of Optimist (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Optimistic is a two-gender adjective and noun, meaning that person who reveals himself trusting, hopeful and positive. It is the individual who is in favor of optimism, and optimism is the disposition that people develop to appreciate all things on the bright side.

An optimist is a person who believes that everything will work out, that nothing is considered impossible. Being an optimist is having safe attitudes in the face of human and social problems and considering them subject to a positive solution.

The optimistic individual is always hopeful, always sees difficulties from the most favorable side.

The opposite of an optimist is a pessimist, and pessimists are people who see everything from the negative side, believing that everything will go wrong and always expecting the worst.

In his book A Utopia, English writer Thomas Morus idealizes a fantasy city, without differences, which translates a state of well-being of human beings, where everything is flawlessly organized, an imaginary society, where everyone would like to live, was an optimistic way to see a different world from the one lived in England during the century XVI.

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