Meaning of Paraphrase (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Paraphrase is a textual interpretation resource that consists of reformulation of a text, changing the original words and expressions, but keeping the central idea of ​​the information.

Intertextuality is one of the main characteristics of the paraphrase, because for it to exist it is necessary to “link” with another text, which serves as an allusion for the production of new content.

In some cases, paraphrase is considered a mechanism that helps to clarify some texts, as it helps to explain them. with terms and expressions that are simpler to understand, since the central idea of ​​the content is always maintained.

In the linguistic field, the paraphrase can mean the different way of transmitting a certain message that has already been said before, changing only some words by their synonyms, for example.

When it is said that someone has paraphrased another author's work, it means that he presented it in his own words, while maintaining the idea and the original meaning of the work. In this sense, paraphrasing can still mean the new approach, interpretation or explanation that is given to an old content (book, narrative, poem, etc.).

See also: meaning of allusion.

Paraphrase example

Original text

“Oh, that's a piece of cake. A desire to lie down on the floor. Allow grass to grow around. Let the insects, the fungi take shelter of me. Strange joy in turning a landscape”.


“Alas, what a weakness in the limbs. A desire to lie down on the floor. Allow bush to grow around. Allow the insects, the fungi to lodge in me. This happiness of becoming a landscape is unknown”.

Paraphrase and Parody

While the paraphrase uses intertextuality to exemplify the central idea of ​​the original content from other words, the parody is intended to recreate the original text from a critical, ironic, comic or satirical.

In this sense, parody acts as a contestatory and provocative tool, which uses aspects of the original content, but distorting or confronting the central idea presented there.

Learn more about meaning of parody.

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