Meaning of Zoeira (What it is, Concept and Definition)

hoopla is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language, referring to what it is a disorder, as a shouting or one excess of fuss and confusion. The word zoeira can still be used to describe something that is done with the intention to be funny.

The uproar can be a noise that cannot be distinguished, as if it were a hum, an intense noise or a shouting, where the mixture of various sounds and voices makes it impossible to understand anything. Example: "Students stopped fussing when the teacher entered the classroom".

Another meaning for this noun is related to the act of doing something with the intention of being funny or making you laugh. The fuss can be a Just kidding or a joke, with a pejorative sense or not. Example: "Are you kidding me?" or "The boys were making fun of the new student."

In informal language, mockery is considered a very common slang, especially in social networks on the internet, where the act of making fun of someone or something has become a synonym for troll.

Learn more about the meaning of troll.

The expression "never ends bullshit" means "the fun never stops", indicating an incessant teasing with a certain situation or personality.

Zoeira and Zueira

According to the Portuguese language dictionary, the correct form from the spelling of the word is zoeira. the variants snitch or girl are wrong, but are commonly used within informal language, mostly as slang.

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