Meaning of Melena (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Melena is an intestinal hemorrhage that is characterized by the presence of blood in feces of the individual. This medical term is used to refer specifically to digested blood that may or may not be mixed with the stool and result from upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

Also known as malena or hematemesis, melena is a symptom of the occurrence of some type of internal bleeding, especially in the digestive system. In this case, the stools have a pasty appearance, dark in color and foul smelling.

The person who has this symptom must urgently seek medical help, as it may be a sign of a serious illness.

Etymologically, melena originated from the Greek melaina / melains, which means "black" or "black vomit".

From the Spanish etymological origin, on the other hand, melena means the same as "long hair", "portion of hair" or even "hair that falls over the eyes".

Causes of melena

There can be several reasons that lead to the appearance of melena, such as: typhoid fever; liver cirrhosis; intestinal perforations; hemorrhagic gastritis; hemorrhoids; malignant tumors in the intestine and rectum; among others.

When hematemesis occurs, it is a sign that there has been a blood leak in the esophagus or stomach area. Blood is digested by the intestine and then evacuated in the stool, which has a blackish, foul-smelling appearance.

In some cases, blood may also be present in the patient's vomit. In this case, the term hematemesis is most commonly used.

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