buggy means defective, in error. Is expression used in the field of information technology to indicate that the machine is having a problem or has an error in the software operation.
"To be buggy" is to present some flaw in a program's logic, which results in unexpected or unwanted complications, often due to errors in the source code itself, due to some problem in the operating system, in the framework, in the compiler or in the interpreter.
Origin of the buggy expression
The expression “bugado” comes from the word “bug”, which is an American slang meaning “defect”, “failure”. In the general sense it means “insect”.
The term “bug”, according to some historians, was used by Thomas Edison when some insects caused reading problems in his phonograph, in the year 1878.
In 1946, the term “bug” took on greater meaning when the first electronic computer (Electronic Numerical Integrator Analyzer and Computer), created in 1946, was invaded, inside, by insects attracted by the light of the valves, causing short circuits in the plates and consequently failures in the Software.
Bug of the millennium
Millennium Bug or Y2K Bug was the term used to describe the panic that arose before the turn of the millennium, from 1999 to 2000. It was believed that computer systems would break down., since all dates were represented by two digits, where “1985” was represented with “85”. It was feared that the systems might confuse the year 2000 with the year 1900.
It was believed that the exchange of information would lead bank customers to see their investments with negative results, from creditors to debtors. It was also believed that military systems that controlled weapons arsenals such as nuclear bombs could fail.