Meaning of Diplomacy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Diplomacy is the civilized and peaceful action of relating to different groups, nations or societies. It represents a typical instrument of countries' foreign policy, which focuses on maintain balanced relations between different sovereign states.

Diplomacy is the way civilized nations deal with their antagonisms, seeking to resolve differences without the use of violence or offense. Acting with diplomacy is having respect for others, knowing how to deal peacefully in different situations and behaviors.

The aim of diplomacy is to maintain healthy coexistence between the various social groups, ensuring that the particularities and interests of each one are defended and represented.

The individual who acts with diplomacy is called diplomat, a person whose mission is to represent the interests of a particular group or nation to others in a peaceful and conciliatory way.

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Diplomacy can also be seen as a science that studies the international relations of a state abroad.

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The figurative sense of the word diplomacy consists of ability that a person has to conduct interpersonal relationships and to resolve personal conflicts.

Synonyms of diplomacy

Some of the main synonyms for diplomacy are: cunning; cleverness; delicacy; education; finesse; circumspection; weighting; sensibleness; shrewdness; fineness; abiliity; fact; and politics.

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