Meaning of Oss (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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bone or osu is a phonetic expression created by the Japanese Naval School and is considered polysemic because it has numerous meanings.

In a general sense, bone represents expressions such as "yes", "thank you", "understood", "sorry", or even a greeting to another person.

Its use has been widely disseminated within the martial arts, mainly in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

In this context, the word bone went on to express a greeting, recognition of an opponent's skill, response to understood instructions, among other interpretations.

The origin of the term bone

bone is derived from the Japanese terms "Onegai Shimasu"which means a polite invitation like: "please if you want". AND "Oshi Shinobu"which means "persevering when pressed" or "lasting under pressure"

These two values ​​are in keeping with Asian martial arts tradition and rituals.

Although it comes from Japanese phrases and probably originated in Okinawa, bone it is not necessarily a Japanese expression used in everyday life within informal communication.

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In the beginning, it was used in martial arts exclusively to invite a training partner into the fight. Thus, when shouting, the participant invoked the ki: a "vital energy" or "spirit" before an attack or combat begins.

See also the meaning Jiu Jitsu and kiss.

The use of bone in martial arts

"Continue without giving up, under all kinds of pressure" - this is the idea of ​​inner strength so common in Asian culture.

With the same meaning, the bone it was initially implemented in martial arts, such as karate and jiu-jitsu, in order to convey a message of respect or perseverance.

Over time, the term bone it came to represent an affirmative expression of a teacher's instructions and comments. In Brazilian jiu-jitsu it is commonly used at the end of a class, for example. Sometimes to acknowledge the efforts of a partner or person, or simply as a "yes" or formal greeting.

bone, in addition to demonstrating spirit and determination before a fight, is also used to suggest or confirm information. Thus, whenever a sensei asks or informs something, students respond “bone!”.

This answer means that the student has understood the instructions. Many jiu-jitsu practitioners use it as a sign of respect. In Brazilian jiu-jitsu, the term was popularized by Grandmaster Carlson Gracie.

See also the meaning of:

  • Martial arts;
  • MMA;
  • Boxing;
  • UFC;
  • Judo.

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