Meaning of Utopian (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Utopian is a term concerning utopia, that is, when a certain idea or thought is idealistic; fanciful; almost impossible to accomplish.

Utopian can also be an idea of ​​ideal civilization, both a city and the world at large.

It is considered a word of Greek origin, autumns, which means “non-place” or a “place that does not exist”.

Utopian is a term invented by Thomas More, who wrote a work of the same name in 1516.

According to the historical accounts, More would have been fascinated by Américo Vespucio's narrations about the island of Fernando de Noronha, and then Thomas More decided to write narrating a new place, with completely pure customs and social patterns. perfect.

Learn more about the meaning of Utopia.

utopian socialism

There is also the so-called utopian socialism, which is the socialism defended by several authors, and was named by the Marxist opponents, because their theorists expound the principles of an ideal society without indicating the means to reach it.

The utopian socialists believed that the implantation of the socialist system would take place slowly and gradually, based on pacifism, including the good will of the bourgeoisie itself.

know more about utopian socialism.

Synonyms for utopian

  • fanciful
  • Fantastic
  • Imaginary
  • unrealizable
  • Chimeric
  • Utopian
  • Utopian
  • Illusory
  • Impossible
  • Ideal

See also the meaning of chimera.

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