Meaning of Selfish (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Selfish is a two-gender adjective that qualifies that individual who only deals with hisinterests, who can only think about himself, his wants and needs.

The selfish person is that individual who demonstrates selfishness, who has excessive love for his own good, without seeking to share with the interests and needs of others.

Being selfish is not sharing, not giving up your comforts, being egocentric, that is, having your own self at the center.

Some synonyms of selfish they can be: individualist, self-indulgent, exclusivist. as to antonyms of selfish: generous, altruistic, helpful, selfless.

In the context of song, “Eu Sou Egoísta” is a composition by singer-songwriter Raul Seixas and writer Paulo Coelho.

Within the scope of literature, “The Egoísta Gene” is a book by the British biologist and writer, Richard Dawkins. “The Selfish Giant” is a work by Irish writer, poet and playwright Oscar Wilde.

In English, the word selfish is translated by selfish. Ex: Their relationship ended because he is very selfish. / Their relationship ended because he's so selfish.

See too:

  • self-centeredness
  • Selfishness
  • Altruism

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