Meaning of Civil House (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Civil House is a body directly linked to the Executive Branch, responsible for monitor and advise on the functions of the Presidency of the Republic.

In Brazil, when related to the federal executive power, the Civil House wins status of ministry, while the state executive is classified as government secretariat.

O Chief Minister of the Civil House it is chosen directly by the head of the Executive (President of the Republic, for example), and its main function is to carry out two basic activities: ensuring the government political articulation it's the technical-administrative management.

In comparative terms, the position of chief minister of the Civil House would be equivalent to that of prime minister in parliamentary governments. However, in Brazil, the functions belonging to prime ministers are carried out by the President.

In Brazil, the Civil House was originally created in 1938, through Decree No. 920/38, by then President GetĂșlio Vargas.

Learn more about the meaning of Executive power.

Functions of the Civil House

All powers inherent to the Civil House, as well as the duties of its chief minister, are provided for in law No. 10.683, of May 28, 2003 (with amendment to Law No. 12,462, of August 4, 2011).

As stated earlier, one of the main functions is watch the performance of presidential assignments, collaborating in the coordination and integration of government actions.

The chief minister of the Civil House is also responsible for ensuring political articulation between the different parties that make up the Congress, so that they can be in tune with the proposed projects across the Plateau.

The head of the Casa Civil is also responsible for monitoring the development of major government projects, such as "Minha Casa Minha Vida" in Brazil.

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