Meaning of Asepsis (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Asepsis is the set of procedures aimed at preventing the introduction of pathogenic germs in a particular organism, environment and objects. It is the care with the cleanliness and hygiene of everything around us.

THE hand asepsis it is undoubtedly a very important process to prevent the spread of germs that can cause infections, since the hands are the main transmission route for microorganisms.

Since the skin is a reservoir of several pathogenic germs, they can transfer from a surface for another, through direct (skin to skin) or indirect contact through objects and surfaces contaminated.

Difference between Asepsis and Antisepsis

THE asepsis is the absence of septic materials (infectious or pathogenic germs and bacteria, for example) in certain environments, through a set of measures that prevent the entry and proliferation of contaminating agents.

already the antisepsis it consists of disinfection of the place or organism that has already been infected, through products (microbicides or microbiostatics, for example) that reduce or eliminate microorganisms.

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Learn more about difference between asepsis and antisepsis.

hospital asepsis

THE hospital asepsis Its purpose is to prevent or remove contamination from objects, equipment and all hospital supplies, as well as from the healthcare personnel who deal with patients.

The lack of asepsis in the hospital environment is the main cause of the spread of infections by microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, etc.

Asepsis can be done in several ways, including disinfection and sterilization, which is carried out through the application of substances that help to destroy infectious agents.

See also: the meaning of Disinfection.

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