Meaning of Oscillation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Oscillation is a variation, a fluctuation, a change, it is an alternating movement in opposite directions, it is the movement now to one side now to the other.

In the figurative sense, oscillation is a variation, it is the feeling of doubt between two proposals. To be oscillating is to have a hesitation, it is to be unsure.

pressure swing

Pressure swing is a variation of the pressure the blood exerts on the walls of the arteries, the vessels that carry blood from the heart throughout the body. Blood pressure depends on the force of contraction exerted by the heart and the caliber of the arteries. When the blood is pushed harder, the pressure in the arteries should rise. If the amount of blood to be ejected is less, the pressure should drop. If the arteries widen, increasing their diameter, leaving more room for the blood to settle, the pressure should drop. If they narrow, the pressure should rise. This fluctuation in blood pressure is a symptom that something is not normal and needs medical attention.

physical oscillation

In the field of Physics, oscillation is when the movement of a body describes a trajectory and from a certain point onwards starts to repeat it. This oscillating movement is called periodic movement. These oscillations can be seen in clock pendulums, bridges and large buildings.

energy fluctuations

Power swing is the variation in power supply power to consumers. This oscillation can occur when the electric power of the utilities is reduced, and it can be planned or not.

In planned power swings, a utility reduces power supply temporarily during peak demand hours. These fluctuations are usually not harmful, as most existing technology and equipment is designed to handle this type of reduction.

Unplanned power swings happen suddenly with large voltage drop. This oscillation is dangerous for electronic equipment that can be damaged.

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