Definition of Antiseptic (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Antiseptic refers to everything that has the purpose of prevent bacterial blooms, responsible for causing infections. Thus, antiseptic products help to destroy microbes and other harmful microorganisms.

Antiseptics are disinfectant substances, used on wounds and other surfaces in order to eliminate bacteria and germs. In this way, there is prevention against contamination and diseases related to these microorganisms.

See also the meaning of Disinfection.

Antiseptic chemicals are primarily used in procedures for antisepsis, which consists of a set of sterilization techniques. These antiseptic methods are often common in hospitals and laboratories, for example.

There are several products that may contain antiseptic properties, such as soaps, powders, liquids (mouth antiseptics), among others.

Some of the main synonyms for antiseptic are: disinfectant; antimicrobial and antiputrid.

According to the Orthographic Agreement of the Portuguese Language, there are two correct ways to write this word: antiseptic and antiseptic, the latter being usual in Portuguese from Portugal.

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