Meaning of Fosse (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Fosse is inflection of verbs go,to be and fossa.

In the sense of going, it is the action of move from point to point in a past and unfinished situation. When conjugated, if appears in the first and third person singular of the imperfect past tense of the subjunctive. As in the phrases: "if I went there, I would buy him a present" and "if he went to the beach today, I would ask him to go with him".

As an inflection of the verb to be, se also corresponds to the first and third person singular of the past imperfect subjunctive. And I mean a hypothetical state or condition, expressed in the following sentences: "if I were younger, I would make that trip", or "if it were more fragile, I wouldn't have resisted the fall".

A very common expression as being in the sense of being is "if I were you", in which the interlocutor suggests putting himself in the other's place to think or act in a certain situation. For example: "if I were you, I would take a few days off to rest" where the person uses the expression as a form of advice. The expression can still mean doubt or condition of uncertainty, as in "if I were you, I wouldn't go in there".

As one of the conjugations of the verb to fossar, it means to turn over the earth with the trunk or the snout, and also to open or dig ditches. Fosse is the first and third person singular present subjunctive: "even if he were all the earth, he will not find the treasure".

Were or Foce?

The word correctly written is were, this being the inflection of three verbs: to go, to be and to fossar. Foce does not exist in the Portuguese language, and its spelling is incorrect.

Synonyms for Fosse

  • were
  • existed
  • live
  • stay
  • did
  • advance
  • appeared
  • attend
  • walk
  • left

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