Meaning of Hadouken (What it is, Concept and Definition)

hadoukenis a Japanese word whose literal meaning is “waving fist”. Consists of a special attack used by characters Ryu Hoshi, Ken Masters, Sakura Kasugano, Akuma and Gouken, from the video game series Street Fighter. The term is also known as “adducte”.

The blow is performed by the fighter, who channels his spiritual energy "Chi” in the hands and, in attack position, joins the fists throwing it with force towards the opponent. The energy of this attack is usually represented by a luminous blue ball. However, in some cases there is the fire hadouken, which is an orange-red ball.

Shoryuken is also an attack used by fighters in games. Street Fighter, the difference is that the fighter jumps into the air with one impulse and executes the blow. This move is also known as the "Dragon Fist Ascending".

The Street Fighter game series is owned by the Japanese company Capcom. Capcom is also the creator of the Mega Man and Resident Evil games. The first Street Fighter (SF) game was released in 1987. Street Fighter II (The World Warrior) was released in 1991 and was followed by several versions. In 1997 came Street Fighter III, also followed by other versions. In 2010 two versions of Super Street Fighter IV were released.

In Megaman X, there is a capsule that gives the player the ability to make a hadouken.

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