Pro is in Portuguese the contraction of the preposition "to" and the masculine definite article "o". However, it can also be interpreted as a prefix to be used in different contexts.
Like other prefixes present in the Portuguese language, the “pro” can be either Latin or Greek in origin, depending on the word. From Latin, this prefix can represent the idea of superiority, progress and in favor of something.
Example: prolong, project, proclaim, among others.
On the other hand, from the Greek origin, the prefix “pro” expresses the sense of anteriority, that is, something that occupied a previous position.
Example: prologue, prognosis, among others.
When accented, the prefix “pro” takes on the sense of advantage or convenience. Example: “Let's find out the pros and cons of the issue”.
to work
It is a Latin expression, used to refer to the monthly remuneration that partners and company owners receive, as if it were a kind of “salary”, but with some particularities.
To learn more about the meaning of pro labore, Click here.
And to learn more about the meaning of other Latin expressions, Click here.