Popular Meanings (45)

Definition of Proselytism

Proselytism is the action or effort to try to convert one or several people in favor of a certain cause, doctrine, ideology or religion. The purpose of proselytism is to create proselytes (from the Greek...

Definition of HDI

HDI stands for Human Development Index, an important measure conceived by the UN (United Nations) to assess the quality of life and economic development of a population...

Definition of Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells (also known as erythrocytes or red blood cells) are the blood cells responsible for the red color of the blood and that play an important role in the cellular oxygenation of the...

Definition of CNPJ

CNPJ stands for National Register of Legal Entities and is the mandatory registration for two types of activities: legal entities (PJ): entities (companies, NGOs, political parties…) formed by one...

Definition of Orthodox Church

The Orthodox Church is a Christian church, considered, with a doctrine similar to that of the Catholic Church, but as the term itself says, it has a more upright, more rigid doctrine. Orthodoxy is the current...

Definition of Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction is the power that the State has to apply the right to a given case, with the objective of resolving conflicts of interest and thus safeguarding the legal order and the authority of the law. At the...

Definition of Suitability

Suitability is a feminine noun that derives from the Latin term idoneitate, which expresses the quality of suitability, and also means capacity, aptitude, ability and competence. The suitability,...

Definition of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a concept related to the so-called "social intelligence", present in psychology and created by the American psychologist Daniel Goleman. An emotionally intelligent individual is...

Definition of Glucose

Glucose is a monosaccharide (simple sugar) used by the body as the main source of energy for the body. Glucose is sugar found in the blood and obtained through food, where it exists in...

Definition of Judiciary Power

The Judiciary Power is one of the three powers of the State to which the judicial function is attributed, that is, the administration of Justice in society, through compliance with judicial norms and laws and...

meaning of surrealism

Surrealism was an artistic and literary movement of French origin, characterized by the expression of thought in a spontaneous and automatic way, ruled only by the impulses of the subconscious,...

Meaning of 666

The number 666 is quoted in the Holy Bible as the number of the beast in Revelation 13:18. In the book of Revelation of St. John, God appears judging and destroying evil. In it appear images, figures and numbers...

Definition of Sine Qua Non

Sine qua non is an adjective phrase, from Latin, which means “without which not”. It is an expression often used in our vocabulary and refers to an action or condition that is...

Meaning of Paid Activity

Paid activity or economic activity is any type of work where a monetary reward is received in return. The word "remuneration" comes from the Latin "remuneratio" and means payment,...

Definition of Syncretism

Syncretism is the fusion of different doctrines to form a new one, whether philosophical, cultural or religious. Syncretism maintains characteristics typical of all its...

Latest Meanings (310)

meaning of chicChique is an adjective of two genders originating from the French term chic, which...

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Latest Meanings (311)

Definition of YoungestYoungest is a word originating from the Kimbundu term kasule, which means “...

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Popular Meanings (313)

Meaning of FunctioningFunctioning is a term that refers to how something or someone performs a fu...

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