Meaning of Instance (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Instance is the quality of what is inevitable and imminent, that is, that it is likely to happen at any time or something that is close to happening.

The noun instance can still refer to what is done so persevering and persistent, as the request for something with vehemence, firmness and commitment.

The expression "as a last resort" is often used as a synonym for "as a last resort" or "as a last resort".

Among some of the main instance synonyms they are: forum, persistence, jurisdiction, authority, increase, imminence, urgency, and demand.

See also:meaning of Eminent and Imminent.

Court instances

In the legal field, the instance corresponds to the hierarchical stages of development of a judicial process, from its beginning to its conclusion. For example, when a process is said to be in first instance, means that this is being analyzed by a single judge.

If there are differences between the parties in the first instance court, the process goes to a court (second instance). The supreme court is known as last resort and its decision is final, according to the judicial hierarchy.

judicial instances

However, it can also characterize the places where a certain authority of the Judiciary Power exercises its jurisdiction.

From a more extensive interpretation, instance can still mean an authority that has decision-making power.

Instance and Office

Many people confuse the words instance and office. Both are correct in Portuguese, but have different meanings.

As stated, the instance is often used to refer to a jurisdiction of the judiciary. It can also mean something that is about to happen, meaning that it is urgent or imminent.

On the other hand, the word resort refers to a temporary place of stay, normally used for holiday periods, for example (tourist resort).

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