Popular Meanings (185)

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Definition of Anthology

Anthology is the set formed by several works (literary, musical or cinematographic, for example) that explore the same theme, period or authorship. In literature, as a rule, anthologies are...

Definition of Morpheus

Morpheus is the name of the Greek god of dreams. The expressions “falling in the arms of Morpheus” or “being in the arms of Morpheus” are used to wish or indicate that someone is in a deep sleep,...

Definition of Bluetooth

Bluetooth is the name of a wireless communication technology that interconnects and allows for data transmission between computers, cell phones, digital cameras and others devices...

meaning of social sciences

Social sciences are a broad field of studies aimed at understanding the way societies function, develop and organize. In the social sciences, all aspects are studied...

Definition of Freelancer

Freelancer is an English term that characterizes the self-employed professional who performs an activity independently, being able to provide services to several employers. The main feature of the...

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Definition of Philosopher's Stone

Philosopher's Stone is a legendary object or substance with incredible powers, capable of turning any metal into gold. One of the goals of alchemy was the creation of the philosopher's stone. According to the legends, the...

Definition of DHCP

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is an acronym used in the computer environment that stands for Dynamic Network Address Configuration Protocol. Through DHCP it is possible to make a...

Meaning of Single

Avulso is an adjective from the Portuguese language and means something that is separate from a collection, loose, solitary. The word loose is usually used to connote objects that are alone, far from...

meaning of expressionism

Expressionism was an avant-garde artistic movement in opposition to French Impressionism. The idea of ​​expressionism was of art as action, in the artist's conception of the image in a way...

Definition of USA

USA is the acronym for United States of America, or United States of America (USA), in Portuguese. The United States is a country made up of fifty states and a federal district, most of the country...

Definition of Control

Control is a noun used to define the domain or power to oversee and administer a certain thing; to be in control of the situation is to dominate or have power over what is happening. THE...

Definition of Solubility

Solubility is the quality of what is soluble, that is, what can dissolve when coming into contact with a solvent substance. The concept of solubility is present in chemistry, which defines...

Definition of Excelsior

Excelsior is a word of Latin origin (excélsior) that means something or something that is illustrious, grandiose, superior, majestic or higher. Due to the meaning given to this Latin term,...

Purpose of Purpose

The purpose is the objective, the purpose that one wants to reach from a certain action, attitude, behavior, etc. When you ask what is the purpose of something, the aim is to know what the...

Definition of Edema

Edema is the excess of fluid accumulated in the interstitial space, that is, between the tissues of the body. The accumulation of this fluid, composed of water, salts and plasma proteins, can be localized or...


Portuguese Language (5)

Definition of RefundRestitution has the meaning of return. The word is used to refer to the act o...

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Portuguese language (8)

Meaning of RepercussionRepercussion is the consequence or effect of a certain action or situation...

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Portuguese language (3)

famous metaphorsA metaphor is a figure of speech in which words or expressions are used in a diff...

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