Meaning of Nissei and Sansei (What it is, Concept and Definition)

In Japanese, “sei” means generation, and “issei” means first generation in Portuguese. Issei is the Japanese who emigrates to another country. When an Issei has a child in another country, the child is a Nissei, that is, the issei is the first generation, the nissei is the second, and the sansei is the third.


Nissei is the second generation of Japanese immigrants. The Nissei's son, born in the country in question, is a sansei, where “san-” means third, that is, the issei is the first generation, the nissei is the second, and the sansei is the third.

Nissei are the children of Japanese (of the Issei); whose birth took place in Brazil.


The son of the sansei (grandson of the Nissei and the great-grandson of the Issei) born in America (or another country) is a yonsei, where "yon-" means fourth, ie issei is the first generation, nissei is the second, sansei is the third, and yonsei is the fourth generation.

Generations of Immigrants

  1. Issei (Japanese immigrants);
  2. Nissei (sons of Japanese);
  3. Sansei (Japanese grandchildren);
  4. Yonsei (great grandchildren of Japanese);
  5. Gossei (Japanese great-great children);
  6. Shichissei (Japanese pentanets).
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