Meaning of Uniform (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Uniform is a two-gender adjective that qualifies everything that has only one form, which is always the same, which does not vary.

Uniform is what has an equal relationship, which is similar, identical, regular, steady, paced.

For example:

"The music was played with an even rhythm."

"The defense's allegations were all uniform."

Also, when used as a noun, the word uniform is a synonym for costume or uniform and consists of an outfit that is worn by all elements of a given class. Ex: The officers were not wearing the uniform because they were working undercover.

uniform noun

A uniform noun is one that has only one form for both the masculine and the feminine. Three situations are observed:

- substantive common uniform of two genders it is one that has only one form for both genders; the distinction between masculine and feminine is made by changing the article, pronoun or other word that modifies the noun: the colleague - the colleague, a young man - a young woman, that student - that student etc.;

- substantive super common uniform it is what presents a single gender for both male and female, the distinction is given by the context: the spouse, the child, the person, the creature, the victim, etc.;

- substantive epicene uniform is one that has a single grammatical gender to designate certain animals. To distinguish between male and female, the words male or female are added: the male alligator – the female alligator, the male butterfly – the female butterfly, etc.

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