Latest Meanings (180)

meaning of rapport

Rapport is a concept in the field of psychology which means a technique used to create a rapport and empathetic connection with another person. This word comes from the French term rapporter that...

Definition of Assertiveness

Assertiveness is a feminine noun that expresses the quality of what is assertive, affirmative, or positive. The word assertiveness derives from "assertion", which means a decisive proposition. A person...

skill meaning

Ability is the feminine noun that indicates the quality of a skilled person, which reveals the ability to do something. The concept of skill is closely related to the ability to...

meaning of bureaucracy

Bureaucracy is a term from Latin and French that means office. Bureaucracy meant all public offices in eighteenth-century France and also the power and action of officials...

Definition of Strategy

Strategy is a word originating from the Greek term strategia, which means plan, method, maneuvers or stratagems used to achieve a specific goal or result. At its origin, the word...

Meaning of Discernment

Discernment is a masculine noun meaning the act of discerning or appreciating something. It is synonymous with criterion, choice, reflection. This word has its origins in Latin...

Definition of Prognosis

A forecast is a forecast based on actual and current facts or data, which can indicate the likely future stage of a process. In short, the prognosis is any result that is taken as a hypothesis or...

Definition of Carp

Carp is a species of fish (Cyprinus carpio) common in Asia, Africa and Europe, but with Chinese origin. This animal has several mythical meanings in Eastern culture, as a sign of good luck,...

Meaning of 1/2

1/2 is the same as half or half of something, used to refer to the fraction of a given thing that must be divided equally into two separate parts. The fraction 1/2 is quite common in books of...

meaning of mit

Mitar is a slang that came about thanks to the internet and that means turning into a myth or doing something in an exemplary way. This word does not appear in the Portuguese language dictionary, because if...

Meaning of Ascendant

Ascendant is an adjective that classifies what ascends, ascends, progresses, rises. In Astrology, the Ascendant is the Sign of the Zodiac (Sun Sign) which is positioned on the horizon line in the...

meaning of bossa nova

Bossa Nova is a Brazilian musical genre influenced by samba and American jazz. Bossa nova emerged in Brazil at the end of the 50's, in the intimacy of the apartments and nightclubs in the South Zone of...

Meaning of complete

Integral is a feminine adjective that classifies a complete, whole thing, which presents itself in its entirety. The full word originates from the Latin integrae and is related to the noun...

meaning of Brinks

Brinks is a word used as a shorthand for play. It has great popularity on the internet, especially among younger users. When someone makes a mistake against someone else, it's often...

meaning of paraphrase

Paraphrase is a textual interpretation resource that consists of reformulating a text, changing the original words and expressions, but keeping the central idea of ​​the information. Intertextuality is...

Popular Meanings (173)

meaning of emporiumEmpório is a place that is characterized by its large commercial flow, featuri...

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Popular Meanings (174)

Definition of MyopiaNearsightedness is a visual impairment that makes it difficult to see objects...

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Latest Meanings (171)

meaning of populismPopulism is the concept that characterizes the way a ruler governs, using stra...

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