Latest Meanings (176)

Definition of Seismology

Seismology is a branch of geophysics responsible for studying earthquakes, that is, earthquakes and other earthquakes, their causes and consequences. An earthquake (or earthquake, as it is popularly known) is...

Definition of Congenital

Congenital is the particularity of something that is present from birth. In human beings, for example, a congenital characteristic is one that accompanies the individual throughout his...

Definition of Autonomous

Autonomous is an adjective that qualifies something or someone who acts in accordance with the norms of their own conduct, following their laws and impositions without the interference of others. Be it an individual or a...

Definition of Infanticide

Infanticide is the masculine noun that indicates the voluntary act of killing a child. Infanticide is usually committed against a newborn. In the Brazilian penal code, infanticide is...

Meaning of Reengineering

Reengineering is a strategic organizational and administrative restructuring system, with the objective of reformulating the activities of a given company so that it can become more competitive at the...

Definition of NBA

NBA stands for the National Basketball Association, a professional basketball league in the United States and Canada. It was founded in 1946, in New York, under the name BAA (...)

Meaning of Start

Initiation is the masculine noun from the Latin initium that indicates the act or effect of initiating. Some synonyms for beginning are: streak, beginning, beginning, exordium, preamble, beginning. At the...

Definition of BRB

BRB are the initials of "be right back", an English expression that means "I come back soon", in Portuguese translation. This acronym is often used especially in informal digital communications such as...

Meaning of Census and Sense

Census and sense are homophone words in the Portuguese language, that is, they have the same pronunciation, but they are written in a different way and the meanings of both are totally different. The word census...

Definition of melee weapon

Melee weapon is any object that can be used to attack or defend against someone or something, but which in principle does not have this purpose. However, there is another definition that claims to be...

meaning of the gap year

Sabbatical year is known as the 12-month period in which a person is dedicated to a particular life project, taking a leave of absence from their professional duties. Unlike holidays, the...

Definition of Possibility

Possibility is a feminine noun that expresses the property or condition of something that is possible or that can be or happen. When used in the plural, this word can mean the whole...

Definition of Agenda

Tariff is a feminine noun that means list or relation. It originates from the Latin term pactus, which describes something that is established or fixed. The horizontal lines that exist on a sheet...

meaning of the cross

A cross is a symbol or object formed by two lines that intersect in a perpendicular way. It is common to see the symbol of the cross in churches, cemeteries, chapels, etc. In a figurative sense, the cross is used to...

meaning of selfie

Selfie is an English word, a neologism originating from the term self-portrait, which means self-portrait, and is a photo taken and shared on the internet. Usually a selfie is taken by itself...

Popular Meanings (26)

meaning of phoenixPhoenix is ​​a legendary bird of Greek mythology, which died, but after some ti...

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Popular Meanings (29)

Definition of ProcrastinateProcrastinating is the act of putting something off or prolonging a si...

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Popular Meanings (27)

meaning of plagiarismPlagiarism happens when someone copies content produced by someone else with...

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