Meaning of Ululating (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Ululating is an adjective that qualifies something or someone who howls, that is, who howls, screams, screams and emits whining sounds.

Ulular comes from Latin ululare, which means howl, the sound emitted by dogs and other canine animals, a prolonged yelp to threaten someone or draw attention.

The term howling, however, became popular through the Brazilian writer Nelson Rodrigues, who wrote the book "The Howling Obvious", in 1950.

In this case, the word howling can also express the sense of something that is obvious, of clear observation and contestation, that is, that it is “in the face” and people do not see it.

This expression is usually used more from the point of view of its figurative sense, especially in Brazil, which consists of the meaning attributed by writer Nelson Rodrigues: something excessively obvious and needs no explanation due to its clarity.

The figurative sense of howling is a direct reference to its original meaning: “screaming the obvious” or “the screaming truth”.

See also: the meaning of Howl.

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