The ideal female body is the pattern of what would be the perfect body for a woman.
The concept of ideal body is changeable, that is, it varies according to many factors, including: social, cultural and temporal. For example, the ideal female body model in the 19th century is different from the contemporary.
Even today, the concept of the ideal body is different between countries, according to the attributes that a given culture considers as “beautiful” or “ugly”.
However, according to the perfect body stereotype, the universal measures that classify the women as carriers of "model bodies" are: 90cm in bust, 60cm in waist and 90cm in hip.
For most men, the ideal female body should be slim but with plenty of curves.
Nutritionists defined an equation to know which ideal measures of every type of female body. In other words, the perfect body is one that presents harmony between all its parts.
To reach this result, just divide the ideal weight (in kilograms) by the height (in centimeters). The coefficient found will be the basis of the most proportional measurements for this person's body.