Portuguese language (32)

Meaning of Brought

Trouxe is a conjugation of the verb to bring in the past perfect tense. It means driving here, as in "she brought food", which means that the person took the food to the author of the sentence. Can also...

Definition of Tchonga

Tchonga is a masculine and feminine noun and adjective in the Portuguese language and means silly, goofy, dumb, slow. This is the case of a pejorative term, used to describe a silly, apathetic person,...

meaning of verbose

Wordy is an adjective that means too long, long, or long. It is used when someone speaks or writes at length, with excessive use of words. The antonym of verbose is concise or laconic,...

meaning of later

Ulterior is an adjective masculine and feminine in the Portuguese language, used to describe something that is situated beyond, that occupies the next place in a series, that arrives or happens later. Further derives from...

meaning of short

Aquém is an adverb of place, which means on this side. Ex: Aquem-mar (on this side of the sea), on this side of the mountain (on this part of the mountain) and on this border (inside the borders of a...

meaning of how much

How is an adverb in the Portuguese language, which originates from the Latin word quam and which can mean how much, what, how, to what extent, to what degree. In the grammatical scope, what is a word that also...

Meaning of Metaphor and Comparison

Metaphor and comparison are two of the best known figures of speech. Within the word pictures category, they represent word pictures. Metaphor is a figure of speech that indicates...

Definition of Metaphor and Metonymy

Metaphor and metonymy are two figures of speech, more concretely, they are figures of words. A metaphor is a figure of speech that indicates two common semantic characteristics between two...

Definition of pleonasm

Pleonasm is a figure of speech used to enhance the meaning of a term through the repetition of the word itself or the idea contained in it. The word pleonasm comes from the Latin pleonasmus and...

Definition of Etcetera

Etcetera, means and so on, and the rest, and the rest. It is also used abbreviated "etc.", and pronounced the same as the full word, etcetera. It is used at the end of a sentence, when...

Definition of Skeptic

Skeptic is an adjective that serves to characterize an individual who is a supporter of skepticism. A skeptic is a person who does not believe, who doubts or presents himself as an unbeliever and unbeliever. The skeptic is...

meaning of hardened

Afflicted means the same as agonized, impatient, tight, oppressed. This is an adjective from the Portuguese language widely used in the Northeast region, more specifically as slang. The term originates from...

meaning of sustenance

Sustança is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language and means "something that gives vigor, strength". It can also be used to describe something substantial, sumptuous, pompous and magnificent. It's a term usually...

meaning of prayer

Prayer is a prayer or prayer addressed to God or another spiritual being and is part of the rituals of most religions. It is a religious act in which man seeks to maintain a...

Article meaning

In grammar, the article is the class of words that precedes the noun to determine it in a particular or general way. There are two types of article s: Defined articles: o, os, a, as; Undefined articles: um,...

Popular Meanings (322)

Definition of Excluded from illegalityThe illegality exclusions are some hypotheses that allow th...

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Latest Meanings (322)

meaning of zeusZeus was the god of gods, sovereign of Mount Olympus, god of the sky and thunder, ...

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Latest Meanings (319)

meaning of buddyBuddy is English slang meaning "friend" or "companion". When used among the milit...

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