Definition of Mineral Water (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Mineral water is water that comes from natural or artificial sources and has added chemical components, such as salts, sulfur compounds and gases that are already dissolved in water, so they are invisible to the naked eye. All mineral water, no matter how pure, has a certain amount of salts.

Mineral water can be artificially collected, an activity usually carried out by large companies, or it is collected from natural sources, such as rivers, streams, which are also known as wells. artesians. Some mineral waters are also collected from places that have already had some volcanic activity.

Types of Mineral Water

There are several types of mineral water, and they are defined according to the source from which they are collected, its origin, chemical composition, temperature and other substances present. The best known types of water are still mineral water, and sparkling mineral water and waters known as therapeutic. There are special tests that aim to identify whether the water is suitable for human consumption, whether it is not contaminated, and whether it can be used for bathing.

Contaminated Mineral Water

Even though it is a very pure drink that is good for your health, the water can also be contaminated, especially by packaging, which can damage your health. There are three ways that water can be contaminated, by chemical agents (such as lead and arsenic), physical agents (pieces of glass, plastic or metal), and microbiological agents (such as bacteria, viruses and parasites).

To avoid contamination, people must always be aware of the water packaging, the condition of the product, whether the bottles or gallons are exposed to heat and poor hygiene. There are also waters known as "pirate", which are those that have escaped inspection by the agencies and are a great danger, as they may have been taken from sources contaminated by toxic substances. or bacteria.

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