Popular Meanings (60)

Definition of Obsession

Obsession is the feminine noun that means an insistent harassing or stalking behavior. It can also indicate a state of permanent worry about something...

Definition of Insanity

Insanity is the feminine noun that means madness, dementia, madness, insanity. It can also serve to indicate the condition of a foolish or insane person. Check out the meaning of insane. One...

meaning of performance

Performance is a feminine noun from the English language that means achievement, feat, feat or performance. The word performance comes from the English verb "to perform" which means...

Meaning of Forecast

Forecast is an expression in the English language that, depending on the context it is used, can have several meanings. It is a feminine noun of two genders and also a verb: 1 – prediction, prophecy...

Definition of Checklist

Checklist is an English word, considered an Americanism meaning "checklist". This word is the junction of check and list. A checklist is an instrument of...

Definition of Physics

Physics is a term originating from the Greek “physis” which means “nature”. It is the science that studies the laws that govern natural phenomena that can be examined by observation...

Sublimation meaning

Sublimation is a physicochemical phenomenon that consists in the direct passage of a substance from the solid state to the gaseous state and vice versa, without going through the liquid state. Some of the examples more...

meaning of twilight

Twilight is a luminosity of increasing intensity at dawn and decreasing at dusk. The "morning twilight" comes from the illumination of the upper layers of the atmosphere by the Sun, when...

Anchor Meaning

Anchor is a nautical word that indicates a piece of iron attached to a rope or chain and used to immobilize a floating object. Originating in the Greek ágkyra, an anchor is usually...

Definition of Market Share

Market Share, means market share, in Portuguese, and is the share or market share that a company has in its segment or in the segment of a certain product. Market Share is for...

Definition of Kabbalah

Kabbalah is the name of an occult science linked to Judaism, but it is also a term used to mean plot, secret intrigue, conspiracy. To avoid confusion with the figurative sense, some...

Definition of Education

Level of education corresponds to the level of education that a given individual has, indicating the stages of study that were started or completed. In Brazil, there are different classifications that...

meaning of caput

Caput is a Latin term that in anatomy means head, extremity, the upper part. In legal terms, the term designates the initial part, title or heading of the article of law or regulation. When the...

Definition of Social Mobility

Social mobility means the phenomenon in which an individual (or a group) who belongs to a certain social position moves to another, according to the social stratification system. There are two types...

Definition of Usucapio

Usucapião is the right that a citizen acquires in relation to the possession of a movable or immovable property as a result of its use for a certain period of time. For this right to be recognized, it is necessary...

Latest Meanings (21)

ABNT Standards for Academic WorkThe Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT, among ot...

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Latest Meanings (22)

Definition of AllowanceAllowance represents a benefit intended for a person or entity that has ac...

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Latest Meanings (23)

70 qualities and defects of a personAll people have positive and negative characteristics, which ...

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