Latest Meanings (31)

meaning of peace and love

Peace and Love (Love and Peace, in English) is one of the idioms associated with the hippie movement. The movement took place around the 60s, and the members adopted a communal way of life, they had a...

Meaning of Passion Fruit

The Passion Flower means the Passion of Christ, therefore, it is also known as “Flor da Paixão”. When European missionaries arrived in America, they were enchanted by the exuberance of the flower and...

meaning of halloween

Halloween, or Halloween, is a popular celebration of the cult of the dead celebrated annually on the 31st of October. The term comes from the English expression “All Hallow's Eve” (Eve of...

meaning of the lotus flower

In the East, the lotus flower means spiritual purity. The lotus (padma), also known as the Egyptian lotus, sacred lotus or Indian lotus, is an aquatic plant that blooms on water. At the...

Definition of Checkmate

Checkmate is a chess move that represents the end of the game. In this situation, the king cannot be covered by any other piece or move to any other square without being taken by a piece of the...

Definition of Ishikawa Diagram

Ishikawa Diagram is a graphical tool used by the administrative sector for quality management and control in various processes. In short, it helps to reflect on the causes and...

Definition of Octagon

Octagon, in geometry, is a polygon with eight sides, with eight internal angles and eight angles. external, so a regular octagon has all sides the same size and all angles to the same...

Meaning of Environment

The environment involves all living and non-living things that exist on Earth or in some region of it that affect other existing ecosystems and the lives of human beings. The environment can have...

What is string literature?

Cordel Literature is a literary manifestation from the interior of northeastern Brazil. It is a literary genre made in verse with meter and rhyme and characterized by orality and a language...

meaning of Stalinism

Stalinism was a totalitarian government regime led by Josef Stalin, leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), between 1924 and 1953. Stalin, who was General Secretary of the Party...

Definition of Food Web

Food web is a set of interconnected food chains. It is also called the food network. The food web represents the many relationships between the organisms of an ecosystem...

What is Cartography?

Cartography is the science and art of creating and studying maps. In geography, cartography is understood as a set of techniques responsible for representing terrestrial spaces in a plane in...

Definition of Design Thinking

Design thinking is a practical-creative approach that aims to solve problems in various business areas, especially in the development of products and services, acting based on...

Definition of Environmental Hygiene

Environmental hygiene is a concept related to the preservation of the sanitary conditions of the environment in order to prevent it from harming human health. In this way, environmental hygiene...

Definition of UF

UF stands for Federation Unit or Federative Unit. Federation Unit refers to the 26 Brazilian states, plus the Federal District, totaling 27 Federal Units (UF). For example, Saint...

Latest Meanings (130)

meaning of synthesisSynthesis is a feminine noun from the Greek word synthesis that indicated a c...

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Latest Meanings (129)

Definition of CleavageCleavage is a feminine noun and is related to the act of cleaving, dividing...

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Popular Meanings (133)

meaning of zenZen is a Japanese name from the Chan tradition that originated in China and joins i...

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