Popular Meanings (66)

Meaning of Mitigating

Mitigate is a direct prenominal or transitive verb in Portuguese, and it means the act of decreasing the intensity of something, making it softer, calmer or relaxed. Mitigation is what it is...

Definition of Minutes

Minutes are a written record of all events and matters discussed during a meeting or other type of assembly. The minutes are configured as a textual modality of written language, used...

Definition of Minimalist

Minimalist is something or someone adept at what is simple and elementary, considered a lifestyle for individuals who seek the least possible means and resources to live. However, this term...

Definition of Epitaph

Epitaph means “on the tomb”, comes from the Greek epitaphs. This term refers to the phrases that are written, usually on marble or metal plates and placed over the tomb, or mausoleums...

meaning of tsuru

Tsuru is a sacred bird from Japan. It is the symbol of health, good luck, happiness, longevity and fortune. Japanese legend tells that the tsuru can live up to a thousand years. It is considered the bird...

meaning of revolution

Revolution is a word originating from the Latin revolutione, which means the act or effect of revolving or revolutionizing. It can have several meanings applied to several different areas, and can be synonymous with...

Definition of Nutrition

Nutrition is the process of providing animal and plant organisms with the nutrients necessary for life. It is also the science that investigates the relationship between the food ingested by man and the...

Meaning of Metaphor and Comparison

Metaphor and comparison are two of the best-known figures of speech. Within the category of speech pictures, they represent pictures of words. Metaphor is a figure of speech that indicates...

Significance of the Porcelain Wedding (20 years of marriage)

Porcelain Wedding is the name given to the commemoration of 20 (twenty) years of marriage. According to popular culture, one of the main interpretations associated with porcelain is resistance,...

Definition of SSP

SSP stands for Public Security Secretariat, and is a responsible Brazilian public agency that has several functions. Some of the activities of the SSP is to allow the registration of bulletins from...

Definition of Kyrie Eleison

Kyrie eleison means "Lord have mercy", it is a term of Greek origin. Kyrie eleison is also a Christian prayer, and it is present in the Bible, in Psalm 51. The term is often used in masses...

Definition of Agriculture

Agriculture is the study, theory and practice of agriculture and livestock, in a reciprocal relationship. It is one of the areas of the primary sector responsible for the production of consumer goods. THE...

Definition of Flexibility

Flexibility is the characteristic of what is flexible, that is, what can bend easily; malleable. It can also mean something that moves with ease and agility, or that has...

meaning of heat

Heat is a concept from the scope of Physics that represents a form of energy, being the thermal energy in motion between atomic particles. The word heat can also refer to something hot,...

Definition of Civil Law

Civil law is a branch of law that deals with the set of rules regulating the rights and obligations of a private nature concerning people, their rights and obligations, goods and their...

Popular Meanings (66)

Meaning of MitigatingMitigate is a direct prenominal or transitive verb in Portuguese, and it mea...

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Popular Meanings (68)

Definition of UVA and UVBUV is the acronym for ultraviolet, which is a type of electromagnetic ra...

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Popular Meanings (67)

Definition of Inductive MethodInductive method is a mental process that, in order to arrive at kn...

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