Latest Meanings (63)

Difference between repair and repair

A repair is the same as repairing or correcting something, while a concert is synonymous with a musical session, formed by the harmonious union of various sounds. As said, the meaning of repair refers to...

Definition of Patent

A patent is an exclusive right on an industrializable invention or creation, granted by an official public agency. A patent can confer exclusivity on products, tools, procedures and...

Definition of Epistemology

Epistemology, also known as the Theory of Knowledge, is the branch of philosophy that studies how the human being or science itself acquires and justifies its knowledge. In other words, it is the study that...

Full Greek Alphabet

The modern Greek alphabet contains 24 letters, 7 vowels and 17 consonants. There is a great similarity between the letters of the Greek alphabet and those of the Portuguese alphabet, both in their format and sound, when in the...

meaning of prime numbers

A prime number is a number that can only be divided by 1 and itself. Prime numbers from 1 to 1000 There are 168 prime numbers between 1 and 1000. See the table: How to know if a number is prime? They exist...


Capicua or palindrome number is a number that can be read in either direction (right to left or left to right) and has exactly the same value, for example 6446. To recognize a...


Impeachment is a word of English origin that means "impeachment" or "impeachment", used as a model of prosecution brought against high government officials accused of infringing the your...

Definition of nuclear energy

Nuclear energy, also known as atomic energy, is energy produced from the fission of the nucleus of an atom, which releases a large amount of heat, enough to produce energy...

meaning of vibe

Vibe means vibration and is the shortening of the English word “vibration” in English. It is a slang used informally, usually by young people and teenagers. This slang can be used in...

Definition of Histology

Histology is the branch of science that studies biological tissues, whether from animals or plants. This branch looks at the formation, structure and function of living tissue. Fabrics are formed from...

meaning of astronomy

Astronomy is the science that studies all celestial bodies in the Universe. As celestial bodies, we understand planets, stars, comets, asteroids, nebulae, galaxies and so on. The professionals who work...

meaning of black hole

A black hole is a very large spatial phenomenon (usually larger than the sun) and with extremely compact mass, resulting in a gravitational field so strong that no type in...

Definition of cyber attack

Cyber ​​attack or cyber attack is an action practiced by hackers that consists of transmitting viruses (malicious files) that infect, damage and steal information from computers and others banks...

North Korea

North Korea is a country located in the northern hemisphere of the Asian continent and borders China, Russia and South Korea. Since its founding in 1945, it has been governed by the Kim family in...

Definition of Agnostic

Agnostic is one who considers supernatural phenomena inaccessible to human understanding. The word derives from the Greek term agnostos which means “unknown” or “unknowable”. O...

Popular Meanings (190)

meaning of silhouetteSilhouette is a feminine noun that means profile, outline, or indicates a si...

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Popular Meanings (192)

ECA (Child and Adolescent Statute)The Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) is a law (Law 8.069/1990...

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Latest Meanings (193)

Definition of StructuralismStructuralism is an approach to thinking shared by psychology, philoso...

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