Latest Meanings (165)

Definition of Visionary

Visionary is the quality of something or someone who is idealistic, who has extravagant and unusual ideas, believing they are seeing trends or concepts that are ahead of their time. A person...

Definition of Dissolution

Dissolution is the action of dissolving, that is, ceasing to be united or breaking a commitment, causing a previously signed agreement to cease to have effect or validity. The dissolution of a marriage...

Definition of Pathology

Pathology is the study of structural, biochemical and functional changes in cells, tissues and organs, which aims to explain the mechanisms by which the signs and symptoms of diseases arise. The word...

Definition of Pathophysiology

Pathophysiology is a branch of medicine that is concerned with studying the phenomena that cause abnormal changes in the body during diseases, with the aim of identifying the origins and stages of...

Meaning of Discrepancy

Discrepancy is the same as disagreement or inequality when one thing is compared with another, for example. When it is said that there is a discrepancy between two or more parts, it means that these...

Definition of Chromatin

Chromatin consists of a complex of DNA, RNA and proteins that is present in the cell nucleus of eukaryotes, in the form of a long filament. Histones are the main proteins that form the...

meaning of concise

Concise is an adjective that qualifies something that is reduced to the essential, which is succinct and precise, that is, it manages to transmit its content simply and quickly. When you say that something or someone is...

Definition of Metalanguage

Metalanguage consists of a type of language that directly refers to the language used in communication. The dictionary is an example of metalanguage, as it is intended to describe and talk about...

Definition of Dispacity

Despacito is a word in the Spanish language and literally means "slowly" in Portuguese. In the Spanish language, despacito is the diminutive of despacio, which means "slowly" or "slowly" in...

meaning of the state of defense

State of Defense is a constitutional measure that temporarily suspends some individual rights of citizens. This action aims to preserve or restore social peace and...

Meaning of state of exception

State of exception is a temporary measure used in emergency situations by the Government. In these cases, as a rule, some individual rights of citizens can be suppressed, aiming at...

Authenticity meaning

Authenticity consists in the absolute certainty of the veracity or originality of something, which is obtained through analyzes carried out on the object in question. When something has authenticity it means it is...

Meaning of Authentic

Authentic means true, legitimate and genuine. It is an adjective that characterizes that which leaves no doubts, in which there is authenticity, which is not false, which is real, positive. Authentic is the...

meaning of stepfather

Stepfather is someone who, despite not being the biological father of an individual, receives the responsibilities paternal when you marry a woman (or man, in case of same-sex marriage) what...

meaning of stepson

A stepson is a person who is the biological child of one of the spouses or partners, usually the result of a previous relationship of this individual. The female stepchild is stepdaughter. For example, a man who has...

Popular Meanings (196)

Meaning of Large and LargeLarge and large are two paronyms in Portuguese, that is, they have a si...

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Popular Meanings (198)

Definition of Dura lex sed lexDura lex sed lex is a Latin expression, which translated into Portu...

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Popular Meanings (197)

Definition of Clapboard in ChulipaRipa na chulipa is a popular expression used as a phrase of enc...

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